Look at this new at Amazon thermostat! https://amzn.to/3vpjJPB I was amazed at the look (I love squares) and functionality of this new addition to the Amazon Smart line of products. This is reasonably priced and makes setting your heat and air so easy through the Alexa App. New at Amazon Basics: Adjustable Tablet holder. Often we use our tablets to prompt speech notes for online conversations. This one folds to a compact size for carrying to your next gig.

Van Gogh Immersive

Planned ahead and it turned out perfect…well almost I planned an unusual birthday celebration for my best friend and fellow blogger. It was better than I expected. I purchased tickets to the Van Gogh Immersive in Los Angeles at the old Amoeba Music building, now Lighthouse. I watched the promo videos and it looked amazing. I asked a friend to watch over my mom who is 94 and he said yes. Everything was coming together and I was ready; as ready as I could be. My friend mentioned it to her husband who joined us and we headed on down to the venue. Traffic wasRead More →

Have you ever looked at something and say, wow, why didn’t I think of that? OR, why didn’t I see this sooner? With the holidays coming and lights needed everywhere, you can never have enough plugs and extension cords! I wonder why the extensions do not have the grounding plug. Most of my electrical things have plugs with the grounding plug. My favorite brilliant idea product was made in 2001. It worked so well. Unfortunately, I cannot locate it to purchase more. Have you seen this? Master Manufacturing Co. in Cleveland, OH made it then. Now it is listed as Master Caster Cord Away SelfRead More →

Amazon Paid Link -Transparent masks - I am an affiliate

Mask mandates are creating a level of difficulty in my relationship with my closest friend, who happens to be half-deaf. She reads lips, mine, to understand what I am saying. When we are out together, she relies on me to listen to masked retail clerks and wait staff and then help her to understand. When I am masked, I lower my mask, tell her what was said and raise up my mask, so the others will not chastise me for that action. We recently took a trip to Wyoming and Montana, and there were no mask rules. They still suggested we maintain a safe distanceRead More →

Tokoyo, Japan has done a beautiful recycling job for the Olympic Medals. Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals are made from recycled cell phones. Imagine how many phones it would take to extract the metals from the cell phones for even one medal. Read about the design and the detail that went into these beautiful Olympic Medals. The Olympics are a popular viewing favorite for all the world. This year there have been challenges because of the pandemic.

Sometimes you might want the screensaver not to come on and you don’t want to manage it by nudging it every few moments. Did you know the placing the mouse on top of a watch with a second hand does that nudging for you? The optical mouse detects the movement and the screensaver does not get activated. Optical mice are watching the movement below them!

The Monarch butterfly is endangered and every time I go to Monterey I see those signs; ‘plant Milkweed’. I love the Monarch butterfly. It is a regal orange and black insect that gives me great joy when I see one. One of my Facebook friends said “Seeing a butterfly means joy, beauty, fragility.” I have to agree, those words are the feelings I recognize when I am in the presence of this delicate creature. So I planted Milkweed. One tall one. One Narrow Leaf Milkweed. I also planted 2 Butterfly Milkweed plants. Recently, the Monarch butterfly you see in the photograph was hovering around meRead More →

In the months to come, our emotions are peaking with the thoughts of getting back to normal. During this time are you buying emotionally? Are you eager to purchase because of the joy you feel that you could be socializing again and feeling normal. It is important that you know the scammers are taking advantage of the emotions of the people now more than ever. Humans are emotional buyers, purchasing in times of great stress. Even though we are seeking normal lives and able to socialize more, we also may be jumping on an fake opportunity in the moment. Fake websites posting ads for thingsRead More →

A few days ago a friend told me of a mutual friend posting on Facebook about a monarch butterfly in her yard after purchasing a plant that attracts them. I love butterflies and Monarchs are endangered. The very same day that I viewed Toni Polucki’s post about her butterfly, I was in the backyard of my mother’s place looking for an opportunity to catch one of the small birds that frequents the yard in the late morning. This elusive tiny bird was not in sight. As I was enjoying the warm morning sun, I noticed movement in my peripheral view. There fliting around a largeRead More →