Are you buying Emotionally? Be Aware of Fake Sales

Hand reaching out from computer screen to grab money
Image by Mohammad Hassan – Piabay

In the months to come, our emotions are peaking with the thoughts of getting back to normal. During this time are you buying emotionally? Are you eager to purchase because of the joy you feel that you could be socializing again and feeling normal.

It is important that you know the scammers are taking advantage of the emotions of the people now more than ever. Humans are emotional buyers, purchasing in times of great stress. Even though we are seeking normal lives and able to socialize more, we also may be jumping on an fake opportunity in the moment.

Fake websites posting ads for things that are too good to be true are popular and common. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is and should be checked and double-checked. Read the reviews. Look for words like “complaint”, “Scam”, “refund” and discover the real story for the company trying to sell you something.

Something you might want to know: Using a browser like Brave will prevent you getting more of the same after clicking on a fake ad. With browsers that do not prevent the harvesting of your data, you can and will end up with more marketing and sales coming to your inbox and on the sidebars of sites you visit. Seeing the ads over and over is an indication that your computer has had data collected, and the result is more of the same.

Pay attention to your intuition. If you feel that the website you landed on is not real, or too good to be true, exit out, close the browser and clear your cache.

Be safe in these times of emotional upheavel. Be careful. Buy from known companies, and most importantly, go slow, investigate offers.