low angle photography of two roseate spoonbill flying under the blue sky

I spent an hour watching a webinar, TWICE, on photographing birds in flight. Most of the webinar covered that topic and some of it covered camera use. It was that subject that got my attention and caused me to watch again. What I discovered was I have lots to learn! This am I took my D850 Camera outdoors to test the information I thought I got from the better photographs webinar. I took several shots in various lighting situations, and then downloaded them to my computer. Some shots were shot into a shady area and others in the bright sun. The webinar had said theRead More →

Create a strong password to replace your current ones Use unique words – Don’t use obvious words like “mypassword”. Have lots of characters – Longer passwords are more secure. Nothing personal – Don’t use your name, your online ID, street address, etc. No repeated characters – 11111, aaaaa, ccccc, C1111. Your email password should be the most complex and different – see ideas for complex passwords below Phrases are good – Non-sense phrases are even better. See below for examples Example of a complex password These passwords separated by | are examples of complex passwords. symbols add complexity. Some common symbol swaps that replace letters are used frequently and shouldRead More →

Senior woman reading

The elderly, those with memory loss or people who are a little naïve, are getting taken by companies everyday. If you know an elderly person or someone with a memory loss, be watchful of the things that are being told to them by advertisers, scam artists, Internet emails and the like. I have been recently aware of the ease at which those who are for some reason unaware of how the system of insurance, the law, financial institutions work, are taken by people claiming something from them. I have been taking care of my mom who has a condition which causes her memory to fail.Read More →

Top 20% picture challenge

Twenty20.com is a micro stock agency site with challenges. I have gotten into the top 20% in some challenges and for that I get excited. I have connected on Instagram with a few other photographers, one of which NEVER uses her phone for pictures. Her work is excellent. Her tagline is Shooting “all the things” Brisbane, Australia. I should consider creating one… Then there are others, one that shoots food. Lots of different food. Makes it look yummy. I love the Twenty20 challenges when I have something to submit. Sometimes the categories don’t match my shooting at all. And then there was this one…I endedRead More →

The gray bird sat at the top of the tree across from the drive and made many diverse and beautiful sounds. I wasn’t sure at first it was a mockingbird. Then one morning I had the privilege of taking a picture of this bird with a 600 mm lens. I was amazed and pleased that the images were crisp and clear of the golden eye and white and black striping on the wings. Google images verified the ID. A Mockingbird.

Guy Fawkes Anonymous Mask Hacker

Passwords and their management can take a great deal of time. Creating and saving Changing and updating some list Finding one for a place that is rarely visited Making sure it is secure enough Understanding the hierarchy of secure passwords Wouldn’t it be better to have that time back? Would it be safe to say your time is worth more than the cost of a Password Manager? I was using a free program for the safekeeping of my passwords and I failed to realize that for a few dollars a year, I could save the time it took to use this free program. AND lately…myRead More →

The news frightens us and while being frightened is not the worst, it does cause us to focus on the negative and not positive thinking . When we think positively, we find solutions, and are inspired to be in the right place at the right time. This is the season of coughs, sneezes and fevers, but these are not always COVID-19. It could be the flu, or a cold. Most of us do not know the real symptoms of the Coronavirus and we should become informed. It will help to be less frightened. FeverCoughShortness of breath We can practice safe activities while we are outRead More →

Getting images that are free for re-use Head over to images.google.com to do your search. Once your image search is on the screen, select Tools, then Usage Rights, then “labeled for Reuse”. The images that appear on the screen are already labeled to be used at will. If you do not find the image you want, there is probably a good one at one of the public domain photographic sites. Check them out instead of taking a risk on the images from a general Google results. Or find a picture you really like at Shutterstock. I can recommend their quality and variety. They even haveRead More →

Not all Internet Pictures are “free to use” I was teaching a group about the use of images for promotional posts for their events. I realized how common it is for people to use images they find using a Google search and end up in hot water. Images on Google results are not available to be freely used. In fact most of the images you find are owned by major stock companies like Getty Images, Adobe Stock, iStock and Shutterstock to name a few. Powered by Shutterstock The images from these sites are exquisite and worthy of purchase. I recommend the use of these imagesRead More →