There is a substantial amount of information about post-death processes and legal actions. Here are some of them. I will be updating this to further clarify the things you should know. In California, when a person passes away without a will (intestate), the process of handling their assets, including bank accounts, generally follows the rules of intestate succession. Here are some key steps and considerations: Always seek legal advice from professionals experienced in California probate and estate law to ensure compliance with the relevant regulations and to protect the interests of all involved parties.

This week I heard of another who died without having a plan in place for assets and monies. She has no family, Just a dog. While going under the knife for a heart valve problem – her body gave up and she died. She lived alone. The person who was her contact from the hospital now has the dog and was told to take her stamp collection if she did not make it. Not having a plan in place means her wishes are not known. Her money will end up with the state and her ashes placed in a generic county location. A person dyingRead More →

In an effort to remove allergens from my diet and enjoy the good things, I altered a recipe for oatmeal, chocolate chip cookies into a gluten-free version. This version uses gluten-free baking flour to substitute for wheat flour; Vermont maple sugar instead of brown sugar; sea salt, not table salt; healthy 72% Cacao chips as a substitute for chocolate chips. The result was a yummy soft sweet cookie that is a satisfying treat. The recipe below has links to the products I get from Amazon. Clicking on those links gives me a small commission, but does not change your shopping experience.

I recently discovered that you can wash clothes with magnets! I have had a skin irritation that has an unknown cause and I am trying to eliminate possible environmental issues. One possible irritant is soap or detergent. Rather than purchase soap that was safer and free of allergens, I decided the magnet choice was better. I ordered the magnets from the company through Amazon. So far… my clothes are clean and soap-free. This eliminated one more allergen from my experience. If you are sensitive to chemicals, or just want less of them in your life, give these a try. I placed them on opposite sidesRead More →

Managing Downloaded Fonts saves time Managing Downloaded Fonts Can be daunting. If you are like me, you have a font fetish. Fonts are critical to a successful design and Creative Fabrica has many that are sold in bundles like this one called Fancy Display. Using a visual tool to ID a font from a list will save time and help your creativity. It is possible that by the time you read this, this bundle may no longer be available, so I would like to show you how to find current font bundles on Creative Fabrica. Finding Font Bundles At the top of the pageRead More →

roboform Password manager Icon

The bulk of my computer support is in two areas; Malware infection support and ‘forgot my password’. If you ask which costs more for the customer due to the amount of time it takes to fix, I would say it is the later. When a customer says in the opening words of our conversation, I don’t know what my password is, I know it will take time to resolve. Most people forget passwords for two reasons. Not used in a long while Recently changed Recently changed Passwords are a more common problem. As the Internet gets more sophisticated, websites are asking users to change theRead More →

In Pixio is software to erase the backgrounds in images and make the part you love stand out. I just returned from and great relaxing weekend in Idyllwild, CA. The trees were alive with birds, squirrels and playful chipmunks. Getting pictures of the wildlife was easy; getting a shot without a busy background, was not. In Pixio software was introduced to me because of my interest in Photography. I would see adds for this product and see how it removed things from the background area of and image. Whether it is an animal or a person, In Pixio software understands the image and chooses theRead More →

Defining Idle time I often surf the Internet based on what my home screen shows me. I sometimes find myself in the area of idle computer time. Nothing really getting done and time going away. A Better choice I recently read that major companies use online surveys, completed by people with time on their hands, to develop marketing, product placement and package designs. I found Survey Junkie to be one of the better options to make extra cash. This is easy, and you can pick the time and type of surveys. Sign up does not require you to pay a fee, so you start makingRead More →

Current Photos on Twenty 20

Twenty 20 WAS a micro-stock site for selling photographs. Like Dreamstime, the customers search for a photograph that matches their need for advertising, a book insert, or web use. The customer is matched to the photographs and they see various prices for different sized pictures. My account on Twenty20 has photographs on many topics of interest. I often join the Twenty20 Challenge to see how I stack up against other photographers. Recently, I came in the top 10% under the category of Nature Zoomed In. The picture can be seen at the top header of this blog. Thousands of images are submitted, so, I amRead More →


A description in a few words I love photography. It carries me away and the world does not interfere. I am free to express my thoughts. I write inconsistently. Not because I have nothing to say, but because I wait until a strong thought comes to me and I feel an urge to express it. I often write for speeches I give at Toastmasters clubs. I design T-shirts, graphic arts posters and sometimes my doodles turn out to be what I expected. I am new to this and am slowly learning how to get better at it. Enjoy yourself here. My musings are for fun.