Let’s stay informed about COVID-19

The news frightens us and while being frightened is not the worst, it does cause us to focus on the negative and not positive thinking . When we think positively, we find solutions, and are inspired to be in the right place at the right time.

This is the season of coughs, sneezes and fevers, but these are not always COVID-19. It could be the flu, or a cold.

Most of us do not know the real symptoms of the Coronavirus and we should become informed. It will help to be less frightened.

Shortness of breath

We can practice safe activities while we are out in public to minimize the risk of getting sick.
1. Wash your hands as soon as you are able with warm water soap for 20 seconds after being out in public.
2. Do not touch your face, eyes, nose, or mouth unless you have washed your hands.
3. After handling money, after exchanging items from strangers, wash again (or use a hand sanitizer lotion).
4. Keep a safe distance from people you do not know (6 ft.)

Did you know?
1. The CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19. Only the N-95 mask prevents incoming respiratory contamination.
Facemasks are for those who are symptomatic to prevent spread to others.
2. You can order things you need online, including food to minimize public contact.
3. Soap and water for 20 seconds is better than hand sanitizer.
4. You can make your own hand sanitizer.