I spent an hour watching a webinar, TWICE, on photographing birds in flight.
Most of the webinar covered that topic and some of it covered camera use. It was that subject that got my attention and caused me to watch again.
What I discovered was I have lots to learn!
This am I took my D850 Camera outdoors to test the information I thought I got from the better photographs webinar. I took several shots in various lighting situations, and then downloaded them to my computer. Some shots were shot into a shady area and others in the bright sun. The webinar had said the camera will adjust for varying light. That’s what I was testing.
What happened was not that at all. The shady pics were exposed perfectly. The shots taken in the light were over exposed and way out of range for the camera to adjust for the different light. I did not get better photographs.
I did learn one thing. I do not know how to set my camera for +2/3 EV. I also think I do not fully understand Auto ISO. So I will be looking these things up and hopefully the results will be better tomorrow.
To see the bad pics and what I did with them, check out my Facebook Page, https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2543902442586032&id=1946142755695340.