Our Inspiration Our newest shirt, “Incredible things happen over coffee” and it’s limited edition “Incredible things happen over Irish  coffee” were inspired by One of the designers at Neatees,  watching a TV series called The Pacific. There was a scene of two Marines discussing their best coffee story.  Because stories from movies move us, we decided to create a new shirt for our coffee t-shirts line of products. You can read the full blog post from Neateeshirts.  

My Budwig blender

The Budwig Mixture Today I gave a talk on using the Budwig protocol for health and the benefits it gave me. I spoke about the mixture a little after the meeting and many asked about the contraption I used to mix the two ingredients. Well, here it is. It has been the easiest to use and clean. I only have used the “winged” blades, shown here. It is real easy to clean and dry for next use. The blades have slots and the mechanism is run by the operator pulling on the string-connected cap on the top (seen as a round cap in green). You can readRead More →

backup iphone

Do you own an i”Product”? Like iPhone, iPad? Have you ever wanted to grab the photos and back them up? Have you ever wanted to copy files to the iPhone or stream from another source? This little stick will help. This connects to your phone and with the app, stores, restores, streams media and takes your backup worries away. I watched a YouTube Video from a tech tester and I realized it is a good product for easy backup and restore. Video playback from the device is fast due to the USB3.0 interface.

My favorite ocean view from the balcony of a cruise ship room was one looking straight down on the water. The colors and the movement were breathtaking. I love the color turquoise. This image has all the shades of this color and I cannot get enough of it. The movement of the water is something I have a hard time expressing. It is a feeling of power, gentle pounding, and rhythm. Perfect for the soothing of the soul and calming of the spirit. The ocean is a healing element of nature. When I experience the sound, the feel and the smell of the salt waterRead More →

The Cat Laughed book Cover

Self-publishers, those that write books, non-fiction and fictional, need the support of a few people to make the end product a great work. Writers are the creators. The support people are the ones that can take that creation and make it readable, beautiful and correct grammatically. Here I am going to talk about the four main support people every writer should use before publishing the work into printed or electronic form. A writer has what is commonly called a manuscript. It is the body and heart of the work that will become the printed book. This manuscript should be reviewed by someone who is notRead More →

cows on a dark t-shirt

  I read once that people whose faces are symmetrical, even on each side of the nose, are more attractive. I suppose that is true and I suppose that we see that unconsciously. When I see a drawing, I immediately know if I will like it on a shirt. My business partner has this trait in spades. Often I see something I like and when I show it to her, she jumps or says, “meh”. The picture at the left was the original I located on Pixabay. My business partner loved it and so I began the process of making it ready for a t-shirtRead More →

While I was in London, England, walking the local area, I happened on a scene of children in a Fountain. I took several photographs of them playing and I was pleased with the results of a couple of them. © Photographer: Circe Denyer | Agency: Dreamstime.com I am a contributor to Dreamstime Stock Photography and they accepted these two pictures for my portfolio. In the area I was walking with two friends, we saw street dancers, musicians, and many, many children. We were near The Eye, the monstrously huge Ferris wheel with enclosed buckets for the riders. It was a fun day near the ThemesRead More →

creative t-shirt from Neateeshirts

I have discovered that I have fun creating and designing t-shirts that talk. What do I mean by that? T-shirts that talk are those that say things I believe, I think are funny, speak the things everyone knows, but maybe forgot and do not focus on any negative ideas. “Joy is in the Journey” “Just Get Happy and See What Happens” “Be Free”  “Creativity is Intelligence …”  “Live Like Someone Left The Gate Open” You can see the newest additions to the collection at our Neatees Store. Love this stuff! Enjoyable to think up, find and replicate and design with artwork from cooperative components. I use freeRead More →

A Dolfin was born in the Chicago Shedd Aquarium. It is normal and natural for dolphins to birth their young. We, as humans find this amazing. Enjoy this experience as those who were in the Aquarium did.