I have been designing and creating T-Shirts for the online store Neateeshirts.com with my friend and business partner Linnaea Mallette. We thought it might be a good idea to have an offer for our visitors. We thought about writing a T-shirt care book because when you buy a shirt that is unique and one-of-a-kind, you do not want to have it ruined by bad laundry or other decisions. So I proceeded to write the book, then publish it to Kindle. I am pleased to say we promoted the book today and it became a number 1 AMAZON BEST SELLER! What fun!. Now we will beRead More →

I Want to Succeed with Mauirce Dimino

I Want to Succeed I recently joined Maurice Dimino’s Master Class called Elevate Your Authority. I want to succeed. This class gives me the tools I need to become an authority on the subjects I am good at. I love it because I knowing the best how-to information on the web has much to do with who you know. AND Maurice Dimino knows many of those that know how and what, to succeed. Because I would love to succeed and get it right, when I listened to Maurice talk about the how and what he has planned for his Masterclass, I was sure it wasRead More →

Become Self-Published Santa Clarita Workshop for Self-Publishing

You can become self-published. Now, don’t scrunch up your nose in disbelief. Help is on the way. With my four-hour self-publishing workshop, you can get the tools you need – INFORMATION – to publish your own work. It will not look like you did it in the back room of your house and the satisfaction of the result will make you feel amazing. Did you know that you need at least three people in addition to yourself to create an outstanding looking book? Did you know that getting your own ISBN is NOT always a have to have but the choices have consequences? These thingsRead More →

Self-Publishing Workshop

Self Publishing Workshop in the Planning Stage. Have you written a book? Are you in the publishing stage? Do you know about self-publishing? Many new authors are already making money online because they got their book online and on sale with self-publishing. I am planning a Self-Publishing workshop, on May 20th in Santa Clarita.  It will cover all the things you need to know before you decide who will publish your book. Limited seats available and this is an advantage for the students. There will be time for questions and personal attention. Here are the details:  http://circed.com/self-publishing-workshop/ I am a passionate author who wants others toRead More →

Why is this My Favorite Image from a Fellow Photographer? http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?image=206561&picture=sea-foam It is the light. Weh I look at his image I see the reflected light in the “suds” on the beach. The angle that this photo was taken enhances the light in a way that is remarkable! Photographer Linnaea Mallette captured this very well I was there too, but, I have not seen any of my shots like this. This photograph can be purchased from PublicdomainPictures.net and used for anything you want. It is available in a lower resolution as a free download. I recommend the higher resolution for print work –you will not beRead More →