Amazon Paid Link -Transparent masks - I am an affiliate

Mask mandates are creating a level of difficulty in my relationship with my closest friend, who happens to be half-deaf.

She reads lips, mine, to understand what I am saying. When we are out together, she relies on me to listen to masked retail clerks and wait staff and then help her to understand. When I am masked, I lower my mask, tell her what was said and raise up my mask, so the others will not chastise me for that action.

We recently took a trip to Wyoming and Montana, and there were no mask rules. They still suggested we maintain a safe distance from others, which was easy to accomplish, even in restaurants. The freedom we both felt was enormous and, for me, reminded me of what it was like before those mandates went everywhere.

In spite of the fact that masks have been proven not to be effective, and are causing other health issues by being reused, the mandates are ever present.

As we get ready to travel again, I felt the urgency to provide a better solution.

I did a search on “clear” masks and found something I am going to try. Here is the Amazon link to my find. Transparent Face Mask.

They arrive tomorrow and I will post a follow-up review here. THEY DID NOT WORK! I could not even put the ear pieces onto the mask. I had to for looking or another solution.


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