There is a substantial amount of information about post-death processes and legal actions. Here are some of them. I will be updating this to further clarify the things you should know. In California, when a person passes away without a will (intestate), the process of handling their assets, including bank accounts, generally follows the rules of intestate succession. Here are some key steps and considerations: Always seek legal advice from professionals experienced in California probate and estate law to ensure compliance with the relevant regulations and to protect the interests of all involved parties.

This week I heard of another who died without having a plan in place for assets and monies. She has no family, Just a dog. While going under the knife for a heart valve problem – her body gave up and she died. She lived alone. The person who was her contact from the hospital now has the dog and was told to take her stamp collection if she did not make it. Not having a plan in place means her wishes are not known. Her money will end up with the state and her ashes placed in a generic county location. A person dyingRead More →


A description in a few words I love photography. It carries me away and the world does not interfere. I am free to express my thoughts. I write inconsistently. Not because I have nothing to say, but because I wait until a strong thought comes to me and I feel an urge to express it. I often write for speeches I give at Toastmasters clubs. I design T-shirts, graphic arts posters and sometimes my doodles turn out to be what I expected. I am new to this and am slowly learning how to get better at it. Enjoy yourself here. My musings are for fun.

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Mask mandates are creating a level of difficulty in my relationship with my closest friend, who happens to be half-deaf. She reads lips, mine, to understand what I am saying. When we are out together, she relies on me to listen to masked retail clerks and wait staff and then help her to understand. When I am masked, I lower my mask, tell her what was said and raise up my mask, so the others will not chastise me for that action. We recently took a trip to Wyoming and Montana, and there were no mask rules. They still suggested we maintain a safe distanceRead More →

Senior woman reading

The elderly, those with memory loss or people who are a little naïve, are getting taken by companies everyday. If you know an elderly person or someone with a memory loss, be watchful of the things that are being told to them by advertisers, scam artists, Internet emails and the like. I have been recently aware of the ease at which those who are for some reason unaware of how the system of insurance, the law, financial institutions work, are taken by people claiming something from them. I have been taking care of my mom who has a condition which causes her memory to fail.Read More →