Here is the story of how a new probiotic rescued my day from ruin. I was having breakfast with a friend on the morning after a wonderful overnight in Mussel Shoals. We stopped at a restaurant on our way to Port Hueneme. I ordered a new dish on the menu. We stopped at the Camarillo Outlet Mall for a quick errand and suddenly my stomach was in distress. Over the next ten minutes I felt it getting worse and headed to the public restroom to prepare for the worst. It felt like my gut was filling with gas and it was becoming extremely painful. InRead More →

In an effort to remove allergens from my diet and enjoy the good things, I altered a recipe for oatmeal, chocolate chip cookies into a gluten-free version. This version uses gluten-free baking flour to substitute for wheat flour; Vermont maple sugar instead of brown sugar; sea salt, not table salt; healthy 72% Cacao chips as a substitute for chocolate chips. The result was a yummy soft sweet cookie that is a satisfying treat. The recipe below has links to the products I get from Amazon. Clicking on those links gives me a small commission, but does not change your shopping experience.